1:00 PM13:00

OMNI’s SOR IV, Year 1 GPRA Facilitator Orientation Meeting

The OMNI SOR Treatment Evaluation Team will host a SOR IV, Year I GPRA facilitator’s orientation on Thursday, November 14th, from 1-2pm ET.

This training offers the opportunity to convene in a collaborative community forum, learning and sharing insights. We will gather the OMNI, DBHDS, and CSB/Agency teams together to go over GPRA administration information for Year 1 of the SOR IV fiscal year, which began October 1st. This will focus especially on the first several months of the new grant period.

Who should attend?

  • All staff from any CSB/Agency receiving SOR IV funding who will be completing GPRAs with clients and who also completed client GPRAs during SOR III.

  • Staff from newly funded Agencies who have yet to complete GPRAs as part of the previous SOR grants are also welcome.

For any staff new to the GPRA, we will offer a full GPRA Intake Training before the end of 2024 and provide TA directly to you.

Please register in advance to receive the link to our meeting:

GPRA surveys themselves will not be changing for SOR IV. However, SAMSHA has identified required processes for how to transition SOR III clients who are continuing services in SOR IV.

Here are the main topics to be covered in our meeting:

  • General Review of GPRA Information

  • Consent Form Updates

  • SOR III to SOR IV GPRA Client Transitions

  • TA Resources & Communication

  • Upcoming GPRA Trainings

If you have any questions, please reach out to OMNI at See you at the GPRA Facilitator Orientation!

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11:00 AM11:00

SOR IV GPRA Facilitator Orientation Training

The OMNI SOR Treatment Evaluation Team is excited to host a SOR IV, Year I GPRA facilitator’s orientation on Thursday, October 10th, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET. This training offers a valuable opportunity to convene in a collaborative community forum, learning and sharing insights. So, we're thrilled to have this opportunity to gather our OMNI, DBHDS, and CSB/Agency teams together to go over information about the GPRA, GPRA administration, and related work for Year 1 of the SOR IV fiscal year, which begins October 1st. In addition to our topics below, you will have an opportunity to ask questions of us and each other and share your successes and challenges from the past year.


You will need to register in advance to receive the link to our meeting.


Registration link:


It’s important to note that the GPRA surveys will not be changing for the new fiscal year. Yet, we wanted to share some information with you all about the following:

  • SOR III Year 2 Overview

  • General Review of GPRA Information

  • Consent Form Updates

  • SOR III to SOR IV GPRA Client Transition Process

  • TA Resources & Communication

  • Upcoming GPRA trainings


If you have any questions, please reach out to OMNI at See you at the GPRA Facilitator Orientation!

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11:00 AM11:00

GPRA Refresher Training: 11 am - 12 pm EST

Register here:

OMNI will hold a one-hour GPRA Refresher Training on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 11am-noon ET. This will be a higher-level overview of important elements of GPRA completion for new staff or anyone who might like a refresher.

This training will most directly focus on reviewing the requirements and components of the GPRA and providing tips for administering the survey. We will also point out existing supporting TA resources, documents, and recordings of prior in-depth GPRA trainings housed on our website.

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