Congratulations - SOR Year 2 Intake GPRA Goal Reached!

The Virginia SOR grant has officially surpassed the second fiscal year (Oct. 2019 – Sept. 2020) goal of 1500 Intake GPRAs! We want to thank you all so much for your hard work – these numbers are a reflection of everyone’s incredible efforts!

We still have more work to reach the goal of 1900 Intake GPRAs for the entirety of the grant (by the end of Sept. 2020), but we are confident that we will reach this goal shortly. The below figure shows the year two (Oct. 2019 - Sept. 2020) intake GPRA goal compared to the current number of intake GPRAs completed (June 2019 - Sept. 2020), and the total intake GPRA goal:

1500 last.PNG

Thank you all! We are extremely proud of everyone’s hard work and are excited to continue to meet our overall grant goal of 1900 Intake GPRAs.