Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Releases Final Rule Governing Mobile Vans

Please review this announcement from the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD):

The DEA released the final rule “Registration Requirements for Narcotic Treatment Programs with Mobile Components” today in the Federal Register. The Rule may be accessed here: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-06-28/pdf/2021-13519.pdf

 According to the Rule’s summary, “The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is publishing this final rule to revise existing regulations for narcotic treatment programs (NTPs) to allow the operation of a mobile component associated with a DEA registered NTP to be considered a coincident activity permitted under the NTP’s registration. Based on these revisions, NTP registrants that operate or wish to operate mobile components (in the State in which the registrant is registered) to dispense narcotic drugs in schedules II–V at remote location(s) for the purpose of maintenance or detoxification treatment do not need a separate registration for such mobile component. This final rule waives the requirement of a separate registration at each principal place of business or professional practice where controlled substances are dispensed for those NTPs with mobile components that fully comply with the requirements of this rule. These revisions to the regulations are intended to make maintenance or detoxification treatments more widely available, while ensuring that safeguards are in place to reduce the likelihood of diversion.”