OMNI held a comprehensive GPRA Follow-Up Training on March 10, and we've prepared these materials for your review or for those who were not able to attend.
The training recording and slides are located on the Trainings resource page of our website. In addition, below is a list of useful materials to accompany this training for your reference:
TA Support Resources (all materials below are listed here):
Question by Question Guide: Provides guidance for every GPRA survey question, including additional probes, definitions, cross-checks, and skip pattern information.
GPRA and SOR Orientation Guide: Guide to introduce and orient new staff members to the GPRA and the SOR grant.
GPRA Follow-Up and Discharge Information Sheet: Overview of the follow-up and discharge GPRA surveys and administration processes.
SOR II Rollover Process Guide: Guide to the "SOR II Rollover" process, in which clients from SOR I who are continuing to receive services in SOR II are enrolled in the SOR II GPRA.
Dropbox Resource Guide: Provides an overview of your CSB's Dropbox folder, as well as supports for accessing and setting up your CSB's Dropbox folder.
Please reach out to if you have any questions!