Follow-up & Discharge GPRA Updates

We have made two recent updates to the online follow-up and discharge survey based on feedback from the December Virtual Learning Collaborative and SAMHSA data requirements:

  • Section B: Alternative Substance Names: Section B now has a feature to provide survey administrators with common names for each substance. For all questions regarding participant’s substance use, you can now hover over the substance name to view other common names for the substance. Participants in the December Virtual Learning Collaborative indicated that this feature would be helpful when interviewing clients to ensure the interviewer is accurately recording the client’s substance use. We are working on adding this to the intake survey as well. If you are administering the GPRA using a print version, please visit this link for a pdf version of the substance names:

  • Follow-Up & Discharge Survey ID Authentication: The follow-up and discharge surveys now have a feature requiring administrators to enter Client IDs before moving forward with the survey. This feature will ensure that there is a matching intake GPRA for each follow-up and discharge survey.

Please contact if you have any questions or run into any problems with either of these features.