We’ve had some recent questions about this, so we wanted to share this brief post to remind you of the procedure for completing Follow-up GPRAs and Discharge GPRAs.
Remember that even though a client may be discharged from SOR services, and you may have completed a Discharge GPRA reflecting that, you still need to attempt a Follow-Up GPRA interview approximately 6 months after intake. SAMSHA wants to have two solid, anchored timepoints of data for clients: at intake and at 6 months via an Interview Follow-up, in order to evaluate change from one timepoint to the other for all clients receiving SOR-funded services. Timing for Discharge GPRAs varies, and occurs when a client is no longer receiving services at your agency. Discharge GPRAs are not considered actual Follow-up GPRAs.
Your Weekly Tracking Sheets in Dropbox define the open windows of opportunity for doing follow-ups and the running status of GPRA completion for each client. The Follow-up & Discharge TA sheet is very helpful for this topic. Please review and let our team know if you have questions!