OMNI's SOR Treatment Team is pleased to share with you what we believe will be a useful resource. The Virginia Social Indicator Dashboard (VASIS) is a compilation of behavioral health data from agencies and organizations across the commonwealth of Virginia. The goal of the dashboard is to centralize key indicators of behavioral health and wellness to use as a resource for needs assessment, epidemiological monitoring, and planning.
The VASIS Dashboard is often utilized by the Virginia Block Grant and SOR Prevention teams at CSBs, but we thought you might appreciate having easy access to this aggregated information. At the website, you can view a number of data sets by source (e.g., VDH, BRFSS, Virginia Youth Survey, OCME, DBHDS, and others). A resources tab offers a VASIS FAQ and glossary, as well as epidemiological reports and additional data sources.
One particular area of interest to you may be the Community Snapshot section. The goal of the Community Snapshot is to summarize available data from multiple data tabs in a single report. A Community Snapshot can be created (and downloaded as a PDF) for any Locality or CSB in Virginia.
Each snapshot includes information on the case count, community rate, state rate, and community ranking for various data indicators including demographics, poverty, employment, fatality data (overdoses, suicide), health services, and justice indicators.
The community ranking can help to identify areas where a community is doing well and areas that need improvement or attention.
The Community Snapshot includes the most recent year of data that is available for each indicator.
We invite you to explore the VASIS Dashboard! Please feel free to contact the OMNI SOR Treatment Team if you have questions about the Dashboard.
For your convenience, we have also added a direct link to the VASIS Dashboard from our SOR Support Website in the Resources/Other Resources section.