January 31st Full Intake GPRA Training - Recording and Materials Now Available!

Thanks to all who were able to join the OMNI Team for our Full Intake GPRA Training on January 31, 2023.

If you were unable to attend, or if you want to review the content, the following is now available for you on our website (here). Here are direct links:

We did have three questions come up during the training that we want to answer for you here. Note: The recording has a segment where these issues are discussed toward the end. You may want to listen to that discussion, as well:

Q: Why is the BARC-10 score important?

A: The BARC-10 score, which is calculated from section H of the GPRA, can be used to support an individual’s recovery process by focusing on their strengths and resources throughout various phases of treatment and recovery. For more information on the BARC-10, please review the BARC-10 Information Sheet. For examples of how agencies can utilize the scores from this tool, navigate to the section entitled “How Can I Use This Tool?” on page 2.

Q: Does the new GPRA ask all clients, regardless of gender identity, if they are pregnant?

A: Yes, this question is asked of all people, as some individuals may be gender nonconforming or transgender who retain the capacity to have children.

Q: When completing Section B: Substance Use and Mental Health History how do we navigate self-reported diagnoses?

A: It is important to ask the questions as they appear and record responses exactly as they are reported by the client. For example, the question in the GPRA that occurs before the mental health diagnoses section is “Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health illness by a health care professional?” If the client replies “yes”, then the survey will direct you to the section where those diagnoses are reported. If the client replies “no” or “refused”, then the survey will skip the reported diagnoses section and direct you to Section C: Living Conditions.

Note: if the client reports that they have not been diagnosed by a medical professional but have self-diagnosed themselves with a mental health illness or substance use disorder, select “no” or “client does not report such a diagnosis” and skip to the next section.

If you need any further clarification or if you have questions about the training or the GPRA, please reach out to us at SORSupport@omni.org.