Minor Revisions to GPRA Paper Surveys and QxQ

We have recently made a couple of small changes to the GPRA resulting in minor changes to the online survey as well as the paper tools in English and Spanish to align with SAMSHA’s SPARS data system. There are two changes limited to just single response items in sections D and E.

We recommend that you download and save the most recent version(s) of the GPRAs from our website and shred or delete the older versions so you have the most up-to-date one available. The footer of the revised surveys will be dated in April 2023 to identify the most recent version. Here is where you can find them:

The GPRA Question by Question (QxQ) guide has also had some updates. The revised QxQ version can be found here on the website.

And in other exciting news, thanks to the suggestion of the Caritas team, we’ve created a practice Follow-up & Discharge online survey, in addition to the existing practice Intake GPRA. You can that here.

Let us know if you have any questions: SORSupport@omni.org