Throughout 2022, we have been sharing some shout-outs about CSBs or Agencies that are doing well with intakes, follow-ups, engaging and supporting clients, and/or demonstrating a "spirit of inquiry" when engaging with our TA Team on GPRA administration issues.
It’s hard to believe, but the new SOR III grant period and Fiscal Year 2022-23 start October 1st. As we begin annual reporting to close out the current fiscal year and SOR II, we’d like to recognize all of the CSBs and agencies who have been working hard over the course of the SOR II grant period.
You all have worked diligently to provide needed treatment services to clients in your communities and recruit them to participate in the SOR treatment evaluation through administration of intake and follow-up GPRAs. We know that your utmost goal is to provide needed services, but the GPRA dataset to which you all have contributed is rich in information and helps DBHDS, SAMHSA, OMNI, and communities across the Commonwealth learn more about the people they serve and how SOR-funded services may contribute to treatment successes and client outcomes. Thank you so very much!