November 10th Full GPRA Training Follow-Up Materials and Information

Thank you to everyone that attended our Full GPRA Training on November 10th! We had a great time and hope you all did as well. If you were unable to attend the training, please review the training recording here and the training slides here (listed on the Trainings Resource page).

Many resources were discussed in the training. For your convenience, here is a list of useful resources (listed on the Supporting Materials Resource page) to review as you orient yourself to the GPRA:

  • GPRA Onboarding Guide: A useful tool for staff new to the grant and the GPRA; this brief one-pager summarizes the basics of the SOR grant and the GPRA

  • Question by Question Guide: Walks through every question on the three GPRA surveys, providing more context, definitions, additional probes, skip patterns, etc.

  • GPRA Follow-Up & Discharge Guide: Brief overview of the follow-up and discharge GPRA.

  • SOR II Rollover Guide: Overview of the new process to roll clients from SOR I to SOR II (if they are still receiving services)


Additionally, a few outstanding questions were raised during the Full GPRA Training that we want to follow up on:

  • What do I do if I complete a discharge GPRA with a client before their follow-up window opens and I later am not able to locate the client for their follow-up GPRA?

    • We ask that you attempt to contact the client approximately 10 times during their follow-up window. If this is unsuccessful and there are 2 weeks remaining in the client's follow-up window, please complete an administrative follow-up GPRA for this client.

  • What do I do if a client is deceased?

    • Please complete an administrative discharge GPRA and an administrative follow-up GPRA at the same time. There is a question in both of these GPRA surveys in which the client's "status" is asked; please indicate in this question that the client is deceased. In this circumstance, it's ok to complete the follow-up GPRA before the follow-up window opens.

  • Can a follow up be completed after the window is closed? Can an extension of the window be requested for extenuating circumstances?

    • A follow-up GPRA can technically be completed after the follow-up window closes but it is highly discouraged, as this will not count towards SAMHA's goal of 80% follow-up interview rate. If there are extenuating circumstances, please reach out to

  • Is it possible to extend the rule requiring paper surveys to be entered to the online system within 4 days due to staffing constraints?

    • If there are extenuating circumstances making this 4-day rule impossible for your staff, please reach out to

  • Should referral services be included in the planned services questions in the Intake GPRA?

    • Referral services should be included in the planned services if these services are funded by your agency's SOR II funds.

  • How long does the GPRA take to administer?

    • This can vary, so we recommend reserving an hour with the client. Typically the survey administration takes around 30-45 minutes.

  • What do I do if a client uses more than one route of administration for a substance?

    • Please indicate the route of administration that is most "severe" for each substance, meaning the highest ranked on the list of route options ranging from 1 to 5, on page 20 of the Intake GPRA.

  • For question E.6 asking if clients are on parole or probation, would those on "unsupervised" parole or probation be included?

    • Yes, please include those on "unsupervised" parole or probation.


As always, please reach out to us at with any questions!