A Big “Happy Holidays” to all you SOR Grant stakeholders out there!!! I hope your 2020 is……
Well……it is what it is.
Onto more pleasant topics. Patrick, Mike and I are always trying to come up with little ways to make life simpler and easier for our grant recipients.
A query we often get from CSB management compiling funding requests is “does this item fall under treatment or recovery?” It’s an important question since SOR funding utilization is separated into three different “pots” of money:* treatment, recovery and prevention (which is managed by the Office of Behavioral Health and Wellness). In reporting to SAMHSA, accurately tracking treatment spending and recovery spending is vital. That’s why we’ll occasionally come back to you and say “do you mind moving these budget items under the correct headings?
To keep everyone on the same page with what goes where, we have (well, actually OMNI has) created this handy dandy guide.
Take a look!
So, if in developing a SOR funding request, you find yourself pondering what items go under which heading, don’t fret. Just check the guide.
If you have any questions, or a budget item that doesn’t seem to fit into any of these, of course you’re welcome to email, call or text us to get clarity.
*Not literal pots of money. We do not have vessels of cash sitting around.