The OMNI SOR Treatment Evaluation Team is excited to host a SOR III, Year 2 Kick-Off meeting on Tuesday, October 10th, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. ET. Many of you have asked for more opportunities to convene in this way – in a community forum setting – to learn and share. So, we're thrilled to have this opportunity to gather our OMNI, DBHDS, and CSB/Agency teams together to go over information about the GPRA, GPRA administration, and related work for Year 2 of the SOR III fiscal year, which begins October 1st. In addition to our topics below, you will have an opportunity to ask questions of us and each other and share your successes and challenges from the past year.
You will need to register in advance to receive the link to our meeting:
It’s important to note that the GPRA tools will not be changing for the new fiscal year. Yet, we wanted to share some information with you all about the following::
SOR III, Year 1 Overview
General Review of GPRA Information for Year 2
TA Resources & Communication
Upcoming GRPA trainings
If you have any questions, please reach out to OMNI at See you at the Kickoff!