We wanted to remind you about the upcoming SOR III, Year 2 Kickoff meeting hosted by the OMNI SOR Treatment Evaluation Team.
Date: Tuesday, October 10th
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Registration Link (please register in advance): https://omni-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtd-qgqDgoH9BbF0SJ2ErJ6CkiftMBSgm4
The Kick-Off meeting presents an excellent opportunity for you to connect with OMNI, DBHDS, and other CSB/Agency teams to delve into important topics related to Year 2 of the SOR III grant period, which began October 1st. It’s important to note that the GPRA tools will not be changing for the new fiscal year. Yet, we wanted to share some information with you all about the following:
SOR III, Year 1 Overview
General Review of GPRA Information for Year 2
TA Resources & Communications
Upcoming GPRA Trainings
Additionally, this gathering will allow you to ask questions and share your experiences, successes, and challenges from the past year. The OMNI SOR team is excited to facilitate this community forum setting for learning and sharing.
Please remember that you will need to register in advance to receive the meeting link. You can register here or at the link above.
If you have any questions, please reach out to OMNI at SORSupport@omni.org. See you at the Kickoff!