SAMHSA, DOL and OASH Funding Opportunities and Recruiting/Retention Event

The following announcement is from SAMSHA:

Regional Colleagues,

We’ve been fortunate to cross paths with many of you recently during a wide array of in person engagements. As the result of participating in a Philadelphia xylazine summit, a Maryland 988 event, DC SUD Provider visit, a Fentanyl Awareness Day series in Virginia including three locations, we are more aware of your successes and the priorities you deem most important. As always, we thank you for everything you are doing to assist individuals access their “many paths to recovery” options while being mindful of your own selfcare needs and resources.

A keep gap that needs attention across the region continues to be workforce – so let us remind those who have not done so -

Registration is still open for the 5.23.23 Region 3 Recruiting and Retention Interactive Virtual event: Link

As you can see below, there are many exciting funding opportunities open. With a quick scan, you’ll know if your organization is eligible to apply. Funding opportunities are also available via your states, foundations, and many associations. If you have a great idea to implement and funding or other issues are barriers, please reach out to us if you would like to explore possible solutions.

We are anticipating a busier than usual next few months due to several planned SAMHSA HQ and Region 3 hosted in-person convenings, site visits, conference or virtual presentations, and summer vacations. Our recurring standing learning collaborative virtual meetings will continue as usual. That said, if there is a topic or collaboration that you deem suitable for consideration, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Enthusiastically yours,

Jeanne and Jean

Funding Opportunities


  1. Outreach and Engagement Strategies for Underserved Racial and Ethnic Communities Behavioral Health Equity Challenge - Submission will be accepted until June 8, 2023 at 5pm ET

The Challenge fund has $500,000 available for up to ten awards through this competition. Four awards will be dedicated to the winning strategies that address mental health; three awards will be dedicated to the winning strategies that address substance use prevention; three awards will be dedicated to the winning strategies that address substance use treatment, respectively. The goal of this Challenge is to identify and highlight Community-Based Organizations’ (CBO) innovative outreach and engagement strategies that improve access to behavioral health services in these communities.

  1. Minority AIDS Initiative: The Substance Use and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention Navigator Program for Racial/Ethnic Minorities - Application Due: June 20, 2023

Anticipated Total Available Funding: Up to $10,300,000 Anticipated Number of Awards: 34 (at least two awards will be made to tribes/tribal organizations pending adequate application volume.)

  1. Cooperative Agreements for States and Territories to Improve Local 988 Capacity - Application Due: June 26, 2023

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $177,350,611 Anticipated Number of Awards: 56

  1. Cooperative Agreements for 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Crisis Center Follow-Up Programs - Application Due: June 26, 2023

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $5,000,000 Anticipated Number of Awards: 10

  1. Preventing Youth Overdose: Treatment, Recovery, Education, Awareness and Training - Application Due: June 27, 2023

Anticipated Total Available Funding: Up to $1,900,000 Anticipated Number of Awards: 4

  1. Support for 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements - Application Due: July 18, 2023

Anticipated Total Available Funding: $17,800,000 Anticipated Number of Awards: 9 to 71

  1. DOL and HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Funding Opportunities

  1. DOL Employment and Training Administration Funding Opportunity Workforce Opportunities for Rural Communities (WORC) Round 5: A Grant Initiative for the Appalachian, Delta, and Northern Border Regions - Application Due: June 13, 2023
    Anticipated Total Available Funding: $44,200,000   Anticipated Number of Awards: 35


  1. SAMHSA Launches: A site designed to help you answer questions and find support for issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol. Check out new resources on our Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit

  2. SAMHSA, DEA Extend COVID-19 Telemedicine Flexibilities For Prescribing Controlled Medications For Six Months While Considering Comments From the Public… extends COVID-19 PHE telemedicine flexibilities 5.11.23-11.22.

  3. HHS Office for Civil Rights Announces the Expiration of COVID-19 HIPAA Enforcement Discretion and Transition Period for Telehealth…Providers required to follow HIPAA have  90-day transition period (ending August 9, 2023) to full compliance regarding telehealth. Includes use of non-public facing applications that allow for video chat…

  4. SAMHSA, FDA Issue New Dear Colleague Regarding Medications for Substance Use Disorders and Counseling …letter issued promoting the medication-first model. “Patient-centered care should be at the heart of OUD treatment…