We are officially in the second year of SOR II! Please read through our updates below.
SOR II Year 1 is in the books!
As we close out Year 1 we wanted to thank you for all your hard work in the past year! We easily hit the 1500 intake goal for Year 1 and are well on our way of meeting the 3000 intake goal for the entire grant. Additionally, we have recently seen an uptick in Virginia's follow-up rate! Thank you all for your hard work this past year!
New survey links
As a reminder, with the new grant year comes new survey links. These are already embedded on our SOR Support website, but please be sure to use these updated GPRA survey links:
Online Intake GPRA: https://omniinstitute.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6sUlRHwSxD8Ql26
Online Follow-Up & Discharge GPRA: https://omniinstitute.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_exKyFYGaczU32Jw
Survey updates
In these new surveys, we listened to your feedback and streamlined the 30-day substance use questions in Part B of the GPRA. Now, you will not have to answer the 30-day substance use questions for any substance the client did not indicate using!
New and Updated TA tools
There has been an uptick in Virginia's interview follow-up rate recently (now at 40.4%), but it is still below the SAMSHA all-grantee average of 44.5% as well as SAMSHA's overall follow-up rate goal (80%). The OMNI Team has released some new TA tools and updated others to support a continuing upward trend in interview follow-up completions as well as a revamped tool to support client engagement with the overall evaluation and GPRA processes.
A refreshed new version of your weekly tracking sheets now highlights:
Six-Month Status: The 6m-Status column indicates clients with open follow-up windows in green and those with windows closing in the next two weeks (Closing soon) in red.
Summary Information: You can see at a glance the number of windows open and the number closing in the next two weeks at the top of the tracking sheet.
Notes - Possible duplicate: The Notes column will indicate when a client is a Possible duplicate. This means that a second intake, follow-up, or discharge GPRA was submitted to the online system for the same client. Please look at the interview dates and survey type (interview vs. administrative) to determine if a duplicate GPRA was submitted for this client, and email us if so!
If you want more information on how best to use this tool, please check out the newly updated Weekly Tracking Sheet Overview document.
If you missed it or want a refresh, check out the Community Forum recording from this past July on our website that focused on engaging clients for their follow-up GPRA survey.
We also put together a GPRA Administration Tips and Best Practices sheet listing many strategies for engaging clients and best practices to keep all GPRA-related processes and planning organized! Many of these tips came from CSBs!
Additionally, OMNI rolled out an updated Client Engagement Sheet. Share this with clients so they can understand the why, what, and how of the GPRA and SOR and to encourage their participation in the evaluation.
New monthly Progress Reports hit your agency's Dropbox folder in August! They feature updates that more clearly allow you to see your agency's GPRA progress, such as number of surveys completed and follow-up rates. It includes a helpful page that explains components of the report, as well.
Lastly, we have updated both our weekly and monthly email reminders!
The weekly reminders are sent to all agencies that have clients whose follow-up window will close in the next two weeks and now share not only the date this window will close, but also the total number of open windows.
The monthly reminders have been transformed into GPRA status updates and are meant to serve as a check-in for you all to ensure everything is on track. Review them to see how many clients are currently in their follow-up window, when the next window closes, your agency's follow-up survey completion, and interview versus administrative follow-up breakdown.
Things to come
Lastly, with the end of Year 1, we are now in reporting season! In the next couple months OMNI will be rolling out a statewide SOR Report as well as Agency-level reports. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for those releases!
As we start this work, please submit any success stories using this survey link. Stories submitted allow us to highlight the amazing work you all do, so please submit one if you can!
Agency-OMNI Check-Ins: The TA Team is planning to have 1:1 meetings with each agency in early 2022. These will be general check-ins so we can get to know each other better and support you all more effectively. Stay tuned for more info to come!