Happy new year! It's time to complete the SOR III Year 1 Quarter 1 Treatment and Recovery Services Survey! Contacts that completed the SOR II Year 2 Quarter 4 survey (or contacts indicated for Quarter 4 outreach within the SOR II Year 2 Quarter 4 survey) for your agency received an email on Thursday, 1/5 with specific instructions for survey completion. If you did not receive this email and believe you should have, please contact SORSupport@omni.org.
Please refer to the Quarterly Survey resources page to review applicable information and resources relevant to completing the survey. These include:
• Quarterly Survey Instruction Guide: provides an overview of survey basics and specifics survey question guidance.
• Quarter 1 Treatment and Recovery Services Survey Questions: PDF file of questions asked in the Quarter 1 Treatment and Recovery Reporting Survey (note: please do not complete the survey on this PDF file – this is for viewing purposes only)
Quarter 1 of the SOR III Year 1 grant ended on December 31, 2022. Survey responses should reflect all of Quarter 1 (Oct 1 - Dec 31, 2022). This survey is due no later than Friday, January 20th.
Please reach out to us at SORSupport@omni.org with any questions, concerns, or recommendations about this survey. We appreciate and thank you for your help with this survey!