Thanks to all who attended the Inaugural CSB/Agency Treatment Community Forum on Follow-Up GRPAs: Tools, Tips, & Best Practices on 7/29. We enjoyed offering the time for CSBs/agencies, DBHDS, and OMNI come together to share and learn from each other.
If you were not able to attend, or want to review it, the forum was recorded and is available in the Other Resources>>Trainings area of our website. Here is a direct link to the recording and to the PDF of the slides.
To convey the importance of the topic, here is a graphic we shared during the forum that illustrates Virginia's Follow-Up GPRA interview status compared to that of all grantees and to SAMSHA's goal. As of July 2021, Virginia had only a 36% GPRA follow-up interview rate. We hope by working together to share tips and best practices, we can raise Virginia's follow-up rate a great deal more.
We are also producing two TA sheets we mentioned at the meeting. We are taking extra time with one of them, so we can incorporate the great feedback and tips gleaned from CSB conversations during our forum! We all learned so much.
Engagement Information Sheet for Clients -- designed to be shared with your clients so they can have a better understanding of the GPRA and its purpose.
Tips and Best Practices for Follow-Up GPRA Administration (Coming Soon. We will post an announcement when this is ready.)
As with many others resources, these re available on the website under Resources>>Supporting Materials.
Lastly, we kindly ask you to complete a very brief evaluation of the forum, if you've not done so already. Even if you did not attend, feel free to answer the very first question only, as we are seeking suggestions for future forum topics there.