TA Tips to Supplement Your GPRA Tracking Sheet

Each week, OMNI uploads CSBs' GPRA Administration Tracking Sheets to your Dropbox Folder. OMNI has prepared some  tips, ideas, and suggestions to help support your use of the Tracking Sheet and make GPRA administration smooth and timely!

  • Reference the OMNI-produced Tracking Sheets in your Dropbox on a regular basis.

  • Review and contact our team with questions or errors, or if anything seems to be missing or off. Use the SOR Website TA Request form to let us know about the issues or errors as soon as you discover them.

    • If you need to email us a client ID, please email using encryption.

  • Consider setting up a supplemental internal tracking system that could help you stay on track in terms of completing GPRAs or set up other systems to remind you of the timeline or window and dates coming due. Some ideas:

    • Download and modify the OMNI tracking sheet. For instance, you could add new columns for client name, the date the GPRA is noted as complete in your system, and even a client discharge date.

  • Some CSBs use a separate spreadsheet to keep track of GPRA by type, completed each month, with a running total for the year. This is not required, just another tool to get a sense of your workflow.

  • Some have incorporated gift card tracking into the spreadsheet (i.e., date sent and amount) so it's in one place.

  • Use colors! You can highlight important dates or cases in the spreadsheet (e.g., GPRA's due for that month) in a different color to draw attention or as a reminder that something is due. You could choose a different color to highlight rows or cells for a discharged client to remind you to continue to contact them for the Discharge GPRA. Or, highlight when a case is complete.

  • Use calendar programs to schedule reminders. Be sure that the system used is secure if you intend to add client IDs or other personally identifying information to your calendar item.

  • Be creative! One CSB invented a Word document prepared before a client appointment. They include date, client initials and ID#, contact info, birthdate, admission date, type of referral, diagnostic codes, MAT type, treatment type, and gift card amount. This saves having to jump back and forth between their online client record and the GPRA. For the GPRA, they enter the administrative information from the sheet before starting the interview. After use, they shred.

 Our TA Team is available to brainstorm with you if you would like to explore any of these or other tracking options!