OMNI Kudos to CARITAS for Reaching Their SOR III Intake GPRA Goal Early!

As we near the last quarter of the SOR grant year, we want to continue highlighting CSBs or Agencies that are doing great at meeting their intake and follow-up goals, engaging and supporting clients, and demonstrating a "spirit of inquiry" when engaging with our TA Team on GPRA administration issues.

This month, we’d like to give the CARITAS team a special shoutout! CARITAS has already reached 100% of its annual Intake GPRA target completion goal, showing great diligence in completing these important GPRA interviews. Kudos!

CARITAS Healing Place Evaluation Assistant Steven Wilson shared his journey from being a recovery participant in CARITAS' programs to continuing as the Evaluation Assistant there. He feels that navigating the programs as a participant has been instrumental in his holistic approach to reaching their intake goals by connecting with participants and starting their recovery journey. He understands the challenges individuals face with scheduling and uses his own experience to enhance the support systems within the programs. Steven shared tips that have helped them meet their intake goal early:

“I have been able to track participants and their progress, which has allowed me to identify the best times for survey scheduling. One of the key improvements I have implemented is offering additional appointment times to the existing schedule of survey interviews. By integrating these new appointment times, we can ensure that every participant receives the intake survey. One of the most impactful aspects of my experience has been the opportunity to connect with the participants who are just beginning their journey. This connection not only allows me to give back to the community that has supported me but also enables me to understand and relate to the schedules and challenges that new participants face.”

We know that everyone is working hard toward meeting their intake goal as set out by DBHDS this year, and we are here to support as CSBs/Agencies aim to reach their goal.

If you have questions about this or need support with any aspect of GPRA administration, please reach out to our team at OMNI:

SOR III Year 1 CSB/Agency-level GPRA Intake Reports Now Available in Dropbox

OMNI is pleased to share a customized GPRA Intake report for your CSB/Agency. Similar to the full statewide report, your agency report contains compiled GPRA data specific to your CSB/Agency from the SOR III Year 1 period (October 2022 through September 2023). This reflects Year 5 of the SOR Grant.

  • CSBs/Agencies are provided with an Intake report. This report contains demographic and baseline characteristics of your clientele cohort.

  • In the past, we were able to also provide an Outcomes report that included demographic and baseline characteristics and matched “outcomes” based on follow-up or discharge data. However, because of the shift to a new GPRA tool, we were not able to produce outcomes reports at the CSB/Agency level this year due to a low sample size and lack of comparability.

  • You can still review the outcomes section of the main report, which shows aggregate change/outcomes.

The intake reports only include aggregated data. To ensure confidentiality in reporting, there must be 10 or more responses for each GPRA question. As such, individual GPRA questions with less than 10 responses were not included in the report and are marked with a "N/A.”

You may wish to compare your report data with the full SOR Annual Report findings, linked here and also available in the Reports section of the Virginia SOR Support website.

Your report(s) can be found in your agency’s Dropbox folder. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the report or want to chat about the results, please don't hesitate to contact us at