Updates to the SOR Support Website!

OMNI is pleased to share that we have recently made some updates to the SOR website and have a bit of news about the VASIS dashboard to share:

  • A calendar feature has been added to the website! You can find it under the Resources section. We've added some recurring dates of note (e.g. monthly progress report release dates, quarterly survey due dates) and will add special dates for trainings or events that are upcoming. We will continue to announce important trainings and dates via a website post, as well.

  • We've reformatted our OMNI Staff listing section of the website to be compatible with mobile devices. More important, we've added a few new faces and bios to the list of folks on our team. We invite you to check it out!

  • In 2021, we added the link to the Virginia Social Indicator Dashboard (VASIS) to our website, under Other Resources. The dashboard is a compilation of behavioral health data from agencies and organizations across the commonwealth of Virginia. The goal of the dashboard is to centralize key indicators of behavioral health and wellness to use as a resource for needs assessment, epidemiological monitoring, and planning. We are pleased to announce the most recent data updates to the dashboard for you to explore: