Every Monday, OMNI posts a weekly Excel tracking sheet to each CSB/Agency’s Dropbox. The tracking sheet is a useful tool to stay apprised of each client’s GPRA status and timeline as well as notes that OMNI may have included for your attention. We wanted to remind everyone of the information in and functions of these sheets.
(Please see this helpful resource for a more detailed overview of the information below.)
The top portion of the tracking sheet displays your CSB/Agency name, tracking sheet date, total number of intake GPRAs completed in SOR 3 Year 1 to-date, your CSB/Agency’s SOR 3 Year 1 intake GPRA target number, and the number of months remaining in SOR 3 Year 1.
Once a client has an intake GPRA completed and entered in the online system, their Client ID will show up in a new row on the tracking sheet which will appear on the sheet that is released on the following Monday. Also listed will be the dates of the follow-up window (the “6m-Open Date” and the “6m-Close Date” in columns D and E). The tracking sheet will also display the discharge and follow-up completion dates once completed and entered in the system, and whether they are an interview or administrative GPRA.
One of the most important sections to pay attention to from week to week is the “Notes” section in column L. These are for your attention. Notes may relate to intakes, follow-ups, or discharges and may contain the following information:
Follow-up Outside of Window: If a follow-up occurred outside the designated window, a note will indicate this with instructions to re-attempt the follow-up within the designated open window.
Deceased Client: If a client is deceased, a note indicating this will appear.
Duplicate Client: If your agency accidentally enters more than one intake, follow-up, or discharge survey for a single client, OMNI typically proceeds with using the first survey received (for each survey type). In some cases, with follow-up or discharge surveys, OMNI may prioritize interview GPRAs or those that were administered within a client's open follow-up window instead of the survey first received. In all cases where OMNI has taken an action due to duplicate surveys received, OMNI will flag the affected record accordingly in your CSB/Agency's tracking sheet with a note explaining the action OMNI took. If you would like OMNI to use a duplicate survey that differs from OMNI's selection indicated in the tracking sheet notes, please send an encrypted email to SORSupport@omni.org explaining which survey you would like to use as ‘final’ instead.
Please reach out to SORSupport@omni.org if you have any questions or would like to discuss the information in your tracking sheet in more detail.