The SOR IV grant period began on October 1st. So, the OMNI TA Team would like to share some important resources and information to help you with the SOR IV GPRA survey collection and provide you with other important information to start the grant year off.
OMNI Contact:
OMNI has a dedicated email address for any SOR-related evaluation questions. Reach us at Our website is
SOR IV Grant Period Dates:
The SOR IV grant period began on October 1st, 2024 and will run for three years, ending on September 30th, 2027.
GPRA Survey Tools:
The GPRA is a survey tool for grant evaluation purposes. Client-level data are collected including demographics, substance use and misuse, mental health and physical health functioning, and other key variables. A CSB/Agency staff member must ask the client the survey questions in an interview format; clients cannot fill out the survey themselves. Check out our Getting Started with GPRA Administration sheet. You can also check out the paper versions of the GPRAs: Intake is here, and Follow-up/Discharge is here. Surveys are collected at three time points in a client’s treatment journey: at Intake, as a 6-month Follow-up, and at Discharge from services.
No changes have been made to the GPRA survey for SOR IV. However, the printable GPRA documents and online survey versions have been updated with the correct grant period. Please be sure to use the newly updated links here, to the online GPRAs posted on the website.
An updated consent form in English and Spanish with revised language that is more accessible to all reading comprehension levels is available now. Please use only this new version with your clients and be sure to destroy any prior blank versions. The stand-alone Consent forms are available here.
GPRA Eligibility:
GPRA Eligibility will remain the same as in SOR III:
Clients can only complete a GPRA intake, follow-up, and discharge survey once per grant period. This does not mean they cannot receive additional services from you after a discharge, if they return to services with you. This only means that SAMHSA can accept just one series of GPRAs per person per grant period.
Clients diagnosed with an opioid use disorder (OUD) or a stimulant use disorder and receiving SOR-funded services OR clients receiving services from a SOR-funded staff member (salary paid by SOR) regardless of their behavioral health diagnosis qualify for the GPRA.
Intake GPRA Targets:
CSB/Agency Intake GPRA Targets set by DBHDS for Year 1 of SOR IV will be communicated via email in the coming weeks.
Quarterly Surveys:
Subgrantees who receive funding under SOR Treatment and/or Recovery are required to complete quarterly surveys that OMNI will email to your main point of contact. Only one staff person at your agency should enter all information. These surveys collect summary data on how many individuals received SOR-funded services during the past quarter; the kinds of services; the number of peers providing services; if justice programs are involved; internal staffing and other capacity effects of SOR funding on your agency; harm reduction practices; and successes and challenges you may be experiencing. They are completed quarterly (January, April, July, October). OMNI will reach out when this is due.
Please reach out to our team with questions: