Second Learning Collaborative

We are excited to announce that we are hosting our second Virtual Learning Collaborative! Thank you to everyone who participated in our December Virtual Learning Collaborative (VLC). In response to discussions from these sessions, we decided to focus our next Collaborative on GPRA Workflow.

Similar to the December VLC, this will be a web-based discussion with other CSBs, FQHCs, and the OMNI TA Team. This session will be more interactive to allow for greater participation from all participants. As such, we ask that you reflect upon your agency’s workflow regarding administering the GPRA and come prepared with questions and challenges to discuss. The topic areas and related questions to get you thinking include:

  • Client Contact and Identification

    • What do you say to clients to introduce the GPRA? How are eligible participants identified?

  • Intake Administrative Tasks

    • How do you fit the GPRA into the existing intake process? Does the survey administrator enter data into the online system?

  • Follow-Up Administrative Tasks

    • Who is in charge of coordinating follow-up efforts? How are clients contacted?

  • Discharge Administrative Tasks

    • How is a discharge determined? How does this change if you cannot reach the client?


We are hosting 2 meetings. Please register for the call that best suits your schedule via the zoom link:

Please click here if you would like to see the flyer below for more details about the sessions as well as registration information.