The upcoming OMNI GRPA Facilitator Orientation meeting (originally 10/10) has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 11 am ET. We apologize for this change, but we have received some updated GPRA guidance from SAMHSA and want to be sure to communicate it to you correctly.
Please register using the link below to access the Zoom meeting room on the presentation day. If you have already registered for the event, you will not need to re-register. We will send you a new confirmation email, please make sure to update your calendar.
Register Link:
To prepare for the new SOR IV grant cycle, we will review information about the GPRA, GPRA administration, and related work for Year 1 of the SOR IV fiscal year, which started on 10/1/24. (Important Reminder: GPRA data collection is temporarily paused. Please read this important news post about this.)
In addition to our topics below, you will have an opportunity to ask questions of us and each other and share your successes and challenges from the past year.
It’s important to note that the GPRA surveys will not change for the new fiscal year. Yet, we wanted to share some information with you all about the following:
SOR III Year 2 Overview
General Review of GPRA Information
Consent Form Updates
SOR III to SOR IV GPRA Client Transition Process
TA Resources & Communication
Upcoming GPRA trainings
If you have any questions, please reach out to OMNI at See you soon at the GPRA Facilitator Orientation!