SOR IV GPRA Data Collection Pause Notice

The SOR III grant year ends on September 30th with SOR IV beginning October 1st. SAMHSA recently released new guidance on how CSBs/Agencies are to transition clients and GPRAs from SOR III to SOR IV. Because of this, and with DBHDS’s approval, we are going to pause the launch of SOR IV GPRA data collection until SOR IV funding decisions are shared by DBHDS so that we can communicate more appropriately. That guidance is forthcoming.

In the meantime:

The last day to conduct SOR III intakes, follow-ups, and discharges is 9/30. Please make sure all surveys done by 9/30 are transferred into the correct online form by Friday 10/4. The forms will close at the end of that day.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate the change from one grant period to another. As noted, OMNI will provide guidance soon on how to transition clients and GPRAs. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact us at