BARC-10 Score Feature of the GPRA Survey

We wanted to make sure you all know about the helpful BARC-10 score feature we have developed as part of GPRA survey.


The BARC-10 (Brief Assessment of Recovery Capital-10) is a validated questionnaire that assesses an individual’s recovery capital, or the characteristics and assets that a person develops on the recovery journey from a substance use disorder. These 10 questions (Part H of the GPRA) ask about 10 domains that contribute to an individual's recovery capital. The BARC-10 can be used to support an individual's recovery process through highlighting current areas of strength and where they would benefit from more resources/support. The BARC-10 Information Sheet, located under Supporting Materials on our Resources page (and linked here), has more examples of how to use this survey in a treatment and recovery setting.


Completing Section H of the GPRA survey automatically generates a BARC-10 Score, which ranges from 10-60. A score of 47 is associated with a higher chance of long-term remission. You can track this score over time to see change in a client's recovery capital.


When completing a GPRA in the online system, check the box highlighted below to receive a client's BARC-10 score included in an email to you. You can also add another staff member's email if desired, in the next question.

As always, please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.