We wanted to share an upcoming webinar that may be helpful for your agencies in the upcoming months as you move toward telehealth:
Essential Tips for Using Videoconferencing to Deliver SUD Treatment and Recovery Services Webinar hosted by the Mountain Plains Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC)
Friday, March 27th (1:30-3:00 pm ET)
Description: “Given recent public health concerns and the importance of social distancing, substance use disorders (SUDs) treatment and recovery support providers are seeking viable alternatives to in-person service delivery. The use of technology through a web-based videoconferencing platform in a synchronous manner (often called telehealth or telemental health) offers one solution.”
Registration and more information: https://attcnetwork.org/centers/mountain-plains-attc/event/where-begin-essential-tips-using-videoconferencing-deliver-sud
We have also created this document with additional resources from the CDC, SAMHSA, and NAADAC around COVID-19. Feel free to send the SOR TA Team any other webinars or resources that would be useful to share with other agencies.