GPRA Question Change

We are announcing a change to the GPRA survey to align with a recent SAMHSA update. This change has been made to the intake, follow-up, and discharge surveys (both print and online versions). To succinctly summarize the change, we created a short video to help visually explain the question modification. Watch the video below or click here to download the video.

Here is a written summary of the GPRA Question Change:

Section A: Behavioral Health Diagnosis: Question 1a (FDA-approved medication in past 30 days) is now asked regardless of the previous answer for Question 1 (diagnosed with an opioid use disorder) in this section. Question 1a has also been changed slightly to ask if a client received FDA-approved medication for “an opioid use disorder”; this question previously asked only about “this opioid use disorder” (indicating the opioid use disorder had to have been diagnosed in the past 30 days). The same exact changes occurred to Question 2 and Question 2a, but regarding alcohol use disorder instread of opioid use disorder.

Two answer choices have also been added to Question 1a: “Client was diagnosed with an opioid use disorder, but did not receive an FDA-approved medication for an opioid use disorder” and “Client was not diagnosed with an opioid use disorder and did not receive FDA-approved medication for an opioid use disorder.” These options appear regardless of the previous answer for Question 1. The same exact change occurred to Question 2 and Question 2a, but regarding alcohol use disorder instread of opioid use disorder.

Please reach out to with any questions.