As discussed in the GPRA trainings, the soft launch for the GPRA starts today. Here’s what the soft launch entails:
Access the updated GPRA materials on the TA portal.
The link to the online version of the survey is now posted, as well as updated versions of the paper survey, QxQ, and consent forms. Please make sure you use the versions that are now on the site, not the versions you received in training. There have been minor adjustments and updates to the survey.Continue discussing the planning questions that you started working on in the GPRA training.
If your CSB is not yet ready to launch, that’s okay! You can use this week to continue figuring out the details if you need to.If you’re ready, begin administering the GPRA with some clients.
You don’t have to administer the GPRA to all eligible clients this week. You can do just a couple to test out the logistics and make sure that your plans for completing the survey work. Check out the GPRA administration FAQs that are posted on the portal to help things go smoothly.Encourage your coworkers to join the webinar training on June 6.
The webinar training is for anyone who didn’t attend an in-person trainings. It will cover what the GPRA is, SAMHSA’s requirements, and the content areas of the survey. Here is the registration link for the webinar: questions and let us know how we can help.
Got a question we should add to the FAQs? Want to schedule a call with us to talk logistics? We are here to support you, so take advantage of our resources and TA team!
The goal for the soft launch is to prepare you for the full launch on June 10. Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or TA requests as your CSB prepares.