Maximum of One GPRA Intake, Follow-up, and Discharge per Client during SOR III

The OMNI TA Team would like to provide clarity to CSBs/agencies regarding the scenario that occurs when a client who has already completed an intake GPRA is discharged from SOR services (with a discharge GPRA completed) and then returns to SOR services: The returning client should not have another intake GPRA completed. However, if their follow-up GPRA window has not passed, they should still be given a follow-up GPRA when noted in your tracking sheet.

In essence, each client who participates in the evaluation should only ever receive one intake GPRA in the SOR III grant period, regardless of whether they come in and out of SOR services. As a result, there should be a maximum of 3 GPRAs completed per client: 1 Intake, 1 Follow-Up, and 1 Discharge for the duration of SOR III, which runs through September 30, 2024. Note! Clients are still eligible to receive SOR services, they just should not be completing subsequent intake GPRAs.

We hope this new guidance clarifies any confusion and will result in a more straight-forward process for CSB and agency staff. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.