New GPRA Information Session Tuesday 11/29/22 at 11am ET

As you may recall from our SOR III Kickoff Training in September and our GPRA Refresher Training in October, SAMHSA has released an updated version of the Intake and Follow-up GPRAs that will be used starting December 10th.

To orient you to these changes, OMNI will hold a one-hour New GPRA Information Session on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 11am-noon ET. All staff who administer the GPRA are encouraged to attend.

In this training, the OMNI team will walk you through the changes to the GPRA from top to bottom. Some changes are very minor, but in other cases, new questions have been added and others have been removed.

Overall, we view these changes as an improvement in the content and flow of the GPRA tools and feel you will be pleased to learn of them.

Register in advance for the New GPRA Information Session on November 29th here: Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: OMNI New GPRA Information Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.