OMNI Kudos to Mount Rogers CSB for SOR III Follow-Up Interview GPRA Rate

For this month's Kudos, we would like to highlight Mount Rogers! This agency has demonstrated a high interview follow-up rate of 70%, putting them on target to meet the SAMHSA-required follow-up interview rate of 80%.

We acknowledge that follow-up interviews can be tricky and challenging to capture. To support other CSBs and agencies, Mount Rogers has shared some of their best practices and tips with us:

  • Tip 1: We’ve designated one person to be responsible for reviewing the report/tracking sheet and sending reminders out to staff responsible for follow-ups. She’s also responsible for answering questions staff may have.  We think having a single point person has streamlined communication in this area. Several staff commented that she has been instrumental in this process.

  • Tip 2: SOR GPRA’s are on every agenda for regular meetings held by the programs required to complete them. This offers both a friendly reminder to existing staff as well as an opportunity to orient new staff who may not have been informed upon hire. It’s stressed to staff how integral these surveys are to receiving funding to help people.

  • Tip 3: One of our amazing peers shared: “If I am able to get in touch with the individuals that have taken part in the GPRA survey they usually always agree to complete the follow-up and discharge portions. I make sure to emphasize how much we appreciate them taking the time to participate in the survey and how important their experiences in recovery are in helping to determine future programs, seeing if the programs are working, and what resources our community may need to better serve individuals with substance use disorders. Most of the individuals say that helping others in recovery is important to them.”    

~ KJ Holbrook, LCSW

We congratulate KJ and the Mount Rogers team as they continue to engage and support their clients in their treatment journey and support OMNI in the "spirit of inquiry."

We know that everyone is working hard toward meeting the SAMHSA Follow-up Interview rate of 80%. We also want to remind everyone of a few helpful resources:

  • To facilitate follow-up conversations with clients the Follow-up Reminder Script resource helps generate ideas and tips for each level of engagement with GPRA clients.

  • The GPRA Administration Tips and Best Practices Sheet provides tips on setting up an internal tracking system to help your organization efficiently complete GPRAs and other helpful tips around GPRA completion.

  • The Client Engagement Sheet is designed to be shared directly with clients to inform them about the GPRA’s purpose and what it means to be involved in the evaluation. The section “Why do a follow-up GPRA?”, on page 2, highlights the benefits to the client, the providers, and the community.

If you have questions about this, need support with any aspect of GPRA administration, or have your own helpful tips/processes to share, please get in touch with our team at OMNI at