The OMNI and DBHDS Teams invite you to join in our second CSB/Agency Treatment Community Forum, and our first of 2022. Per popular request, we will provide the opportunity for a facilitated discussion on understanding and sharing your data.
The Forum is Tuesday, April 19th from 11am-noon ET. Please click here to register for the Forum if you have not yet done so.
• First, DBHDS will provide some important updates for all on SOR III and highlight the importance of GPRA.
• Then, OMNI will provide a very quick refresher on the various reports and data sets we produce for DBHDS and for your agency. These include data from the GPRA and your quarterly survey responses. We'll also briefly review the VASIS (Virginia Social Indicator Study) Dashboard.
• OMNI will provide some tips on sharing your data, too. Overall, this is an informal forum during which all can hear from each other about how to use and share data to tell a story. We'll learn from each other, ask questions, and share existing best practices.
• Why is this so important? One reason: Sustainability! You can repurpose data that you already have in grant applications and more.
• We will also spotlight two agencies who successfully use reports or data to inform their teams, community, funders, and stakeholders.
Questions? Reach out to us at See you in the Forum!