SOR I and II CSB/Agency-level GPRA Reports Now Available in Dropbox

OMNI is pleased to share customized GPRA reporting for your CSB/Agency. Similar to the statewide SOR Annual Report, your agency report contains compiled GPRA data specific to your CSB/Agency from the entirety of the SOR I and II grants (June 2019 - September 30th, 2022). 

  • CSBs/Agencies are provided with an Intake report. This report contains demographic and baseline characteristics of your clientele cohort.

  • Some CSBs/Agencies are also provided with an Outcomes report that includes demographic and baseline characteristics of your clientele cohort based on their intakes, as well as matched “outcomes” based on follow-up or discharge data so you can see how this cohort has changed over time. To ensure confidentiality in reporting and to allow us to perform statistical tests, there must be 15 or more follow-up or discharge client interviews in place to have an outcomes report.

Your report(s) can be found in your agency’s Dropbox folder. The SOR Support Team will also email your CSBs/Agency additional information about these reports. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at Also let us know if you might be interested in having a larger community conversation about the report and the results.