SOR I to SOR II Transition - Meeting Reminder & Updates

Meeting Registration:

As a reminder, we are hosting a short meeting on the procedure for transitioning clients from the SOR I grant to the SOR II grant on Monday, November 2nd, 2020 at 12:30pm EST. This 45-minute debrief meeting will cover the updated procedure and allow for time to answer any questions. If you are unable to attend this meeting, we will post the recording and slides on the SOR website shortly afterwards. Please register for the debrief meeting here.


SOR Client Transition Procedure Resource:

In preparation for the meeting, we have created a brief guide summarizing the updated client transition procedure. If you are able to, we recommend reviewing this resource in advance of the debrief meeting on November 2nd so as to orient you to the material that will be presented. Please review this resource here.


Please reach out to with any questions!