Please join us for a short debrief on the procedure decided upon for transitioning clients from the SOR I grant to SOR II on Monday November, 2 2020 at 12:30 PM EST. This is in response to questions that came up in our SOR II Kickoff Meeting and thanks to amazing CSB volunteers we were able to get input on how best to make this transition in a client-center manner. This 45-minute debrief meeting will cover our updated procedure and give you all time to have your questions answered. Please register for this meeting here.
Also, a reminder that there is a Full GPRA Training on November 10th from 12:00-3:00 pm. Please register here for this full GPRA training. Come to this training if you are new to the SOR Grant and looking to learn more about the GPRA!
We will be recording both the debrief meeting and full GPRA training if you are unable to make either date. As always, please reach out to if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing many of you there!