SOR II Important Updates & 10/6 Kickoff Meeting Registration


Thank you for all your hard work over the past fiscal year on your SOR I grant activity! It's hard to believe, but we are ready to transition to SOR II. To prepare for the SOR I grant to end on 9/30/2020 and the SOR II grant to begin on 10/1/2020, we have some important updates and announcements!

As you were notified about last week, we are hosting a SOR II Kickoff Meeting on Tuesday, October 6th from 11am-12:30pm EST. If you have not yet, please register to attend this meeting here: This Kickoff Meeting will provide a comprehensive overview of SOR II grant and GPRA information, but we want to share a few important updates in the meantime.

Important Pre-Kickoff Meeting Updates


  • Any GPRA interviews completed on paper in late September must be entered to the online system by October 5th in order to be submitted to SPARS (SAMHSA) in a timely manner.


  • SOR II is expanding to include Stimulant Use Disorder, in addition to Opioid Use Disorder. Clients that have a Stimulant Use Disorder diagnosis will be eligible to complete the GPRA starting October 1, 2020.

  • There will be new version of the GPRA starting October 1, 2020. This new GPRA will have minor question adjustments that will be reviewed in the Kickoff Meeting on 10/6. If your agency has the survey links bookmarked, you will need to update these links to the new GPRA. The paper copy of the new version will be posted to the TA website's resources page in late September and the new GPRA links will be posted at the end of the day on September 30th.

  • There will be a new consent form starting October 1, 2020. Your agency will need to adjust processes to use the new consent form.

  • SOR II is expanding to the jail setting this year. This means that eligible clients in jail settings will receive the GPRA. OMNI will hold trainings for administering the GPRA to these clients in October (more information/specifics to come).

Another email with more updates, specifics, and reminders regarding the GPRA and grant changes will be sent out closer to October 1st. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the TA support team at We are looking forward to continuing this work with you all!