Updates to the GPRA Process: Eliminating the 3-Month Follow-Up

There are several important updates to the GPRA process resulting from new information from SAMHSA.

The first change is that there is no longer a 3-month follow-up interview for clients who intake after Friday, July 26. As a result, we have updated the consent form to reflect the new survey process (intake, 6 month follow-up, and discharge surveys) and removed information about the incentives for the 3 month follow-up. Beginning Monday, July 29, please make sure that you are only using this updated consent form for clients. This new consent form will have the date it was updated at the bottom, July 25, 2019. It has also been uploaded to the “Resources” page.

Clients who signed a consent form and were administered an intake GPRA on or before July 26 will still be offered a 3-month follow-up interview and will receive the 3-month incentive, as stated in the original consent form. We will be following up with individual CSBs who have clients that will need the 3-month follow-up to provide them with more instructions.

Finally, we are pushing back the launch of the Online Follow-up and Discharge GPRA as well as access to the CSB folders from July 30 to August 27.  This will still allow for 3-month follow-up to occur on time for those who completed the intake GPRA at the beginning of June, but will give more time for us to make internal system updates based on guidance we received from SAMHSA last week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SOR Team at SORSupport@omni.org.