Dropbox & Tracking Instructions for CSB Folders

Yesterday we sent out invitations for staff members to access their CSB site-specific folder on Dropbox. The SOR Support Team at OMNI will use this folder to share with each CSB information including:

  1. Follow-up and discharge tracking with open window dates and completions of each timepoint for clients

  2. GPRA completion rates

  3. Secured data-related communications (when necessary)

There are a few steps involved in gaining access, and we recommend having staff members review the ‘Dropbox Folder Instructions’ document on the Resources page before moving forward with the invite email.

Once staff members access their CSB folder through Dropbox, they will be able to view an updated version of the Follow-up & Discharge Tracking document if their CSB has completed any intake GPRAs. The ‘Follow-up & Discharge Tracking Instructions’ document on the Resources page has more information about using the folder, which will be updated weekly.

If a CSB has not completed any intake GPRAs yet, this folder will be empty because there are no clients to track for follow-up or discharge. Once an intake GPRA is completed, a Follow-up & Discharge Tracking sheet will appear when the folder is updated.

Please reach out to us at SORSupport@omni.org if you have trouble accessing Dropbox or your CSB folders, or need any additional assistance.