What is the GPRA and Who Should Complete It?

Our team periodically shares some basic information about the GPRA for new staff or as a refresher for current staff. If your CSB/agency has new staff members, this will provide a brief overview of what the GPRA is and when to administer it. New staff can also request support with a GPRA orientation from a member of the TA team.

What is the GPRA?

Virginia received a federal State Opioid Response (SOR) grant, designed to improve access and availability of opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or stimulant use disorder treatment services and increase the number of people who receive treatment for these disorders. The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) is a required evaluation tool for this funding and is administered by Community Services Board (CSB) staff across Virginia. Client-level data are collected including demographics, ICD10 diagnostic categories, substance use and misuse, mental health and physical health functioning, and other key variables. A CSB/agency staff member must ask the client the survey questions in an interview format; clients cannot fill out the survey themselves. OMNI Institute provides training and technical assistance (TA) to CSBs/agencies to support them in administering the GPRA.

Who Should Complete a GPRA?

Clients receiving activities funded by SOR or working with a staff members whose position is SOR-funded should be invited to participate in the evaluation (and those consenting should complete a GPRA):

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment

  • Therapy

  • Intensive Outpatient Services

  • Peer Support

  • Drop-In Center

  • Peer Groups

  • Child Care

  • Transportation

  • Vouchers

When are GPRAs Administered?

All clients should be administered the GPRA survey at three timepoints: at intake to services, six months after intake, and discharge from services. The weekly tracking sheet in your Dropbox folder can help you manage these timepoints.

  • The intake GPRA is the first GPRA survey, completed when the client first receives SOR-funded services.

  • The follow-up GPRA is completed approximately 6 months after the intake GPRA, even if the client has already been discharged from services and completed a discharge GPRA. The follow-up window is open between 5 to 8 months after the intake GPRA.

  • The discharge GPRA is conducted when the client is discharged from treatment/recovery services. This can occur before or after a follow-up GPRA.

Additional Resources